The path to luscious, healthy hair will differ from man to man. Some men are genetically graced with thick and full hair, while others have thinner, less voluminous hair up top.
But no matter the cards you have been dealt, there are several things you can do to transform the way your hair looks and feels.
With that in mind, we introduce you to the best hair care tips for men that are suitable for guys of all ages and hair types.
1. Get to know your hair type

Firstly, we advise you to get to know your hair type. This is a handy first step, as it can inform your later styling and haircare strategy. For instance, guys with super straight hair are likely to have different styling goals than those with tight corkscrew curls. You can use our hair type chart to educate yourself about the type of hair you have:
Type | Description |
1 (A-C) |
Straight hair that grows down without any noticeable waves. |
2 (A-C) |
Wavy hair that has a slight bend or wave, ranging from big, loose waves to bouncy, defined curls. |
3 (A-C) |
Curly hair that features tighter bends and curls, including loose ringlets and tight corkscrew curls. |
4 (A-C) |
Coily hair that features tightly packed curls. |
The number refers to your hair texture, and the letter refers to your hair’s thickness. Knowing both can help you with styling decisions and ensure you make the best decisions based on your hair’s natural look and feel.
2. Ditch chemical-based products
Some guys head to the drugstore and buy the first bottle of keratin shampoo and conditioner that they come across without studying the label. Though common, this is potentially damaging to your hair, as chemical-based shampoos and conditioners can cause your hair to thin out and dry.
The main culprit is sulfate, which is among the worst ingredients in shampoo for thinning hair. You should also avoid products that contain alcohol and other chemicals that can cause your hair to dry out.
So, instead of picking up the first bottle you come across, spend some time studying the label and reading up on the ingredients in your hair products. Look for products branded as “sulfate-free” to begin with, and search for those with rich, nourishing ingredients. For instance, natural hair products with coconut, jojoba, avocado, and tea-tree oil can all help to nourish your hair.
3. Don’t wash your hair every day
Lots of men are in the habit of washing their hair every day, particularly guys with short hair. After all, it’s so easy to massage some shampoo into your hair each time you take a shower. But doing this isn’t actually good for your hair.
Overwashing can remove some of the natural oils from your hair, causing your follicles to dry out. This situation is exacerbated if you rely on chemical-based shampoo to wash your hair.

So, a simple hair care tip for men that everyone can follow is not to wash your hair each day. Instead, we advise you to wash your hair every other day to begin with, but you might find even that’s too much. Feel free to experiment with the frequency until you find a happy medium.
4. Dry your hair like a pro
Guys, particularly those with short hair, don’t pay a great deal of attention to how they dry their hair. After all, a quick scrunch and ruffle with a bath towel can be sufficient to dry your hair, and you can get on with your day without giving it any further thought.
However, the way you dry your hair makes a big difference to how it looks. If you use a standard bath towel and rub your head, you’re likely damaging your fragile hair follicles. So, no matter how long your hair is, we recommend switching to a microfiber towel and dabbing your hair dry rather than rubbing it.
If you have medium to long hair, you can use an ionic hair dryer like the Laifen Swift Special. Laifen hair dryers feature ionic technology, which neutralizes ions and eliminates frizz. You can also use the adjustable heat settings, meaning you can dry your hair on low or medium heat to prevent it from drying out and becoming brittle.

5. Visit your barber regularly
Regardless of your hair length and type, get into the habit of visiting your barber every four to six weeks. Your barber will remove any dry or dead ends and will trim your hair to showcase its best features. You can also speak to your barber about trying new styles that are well-suited to your hair type.
There’s a misconception that regularly trimming your hair actually speeds up the pace at which it grows. This isn’t true, but regularly cutting your hair does keep your hair tidy, and removing dead or dry ends allows the healthy hair on your head to flourish.
6. Avoid excessive product use
One of the best hair care tips for men is to limit your use of products. While a little bit of wax, gel, or pomade won’t ruin your hair, adding excessive amounts of hair product can dry out your hair follicles.
What’s more, when you use too much product on your hair, you risk a build-up of that product on your scalp and within your hair. As a result, you need to wash your hair more frequently, or your hair will look greasy.
Less is very much more when it comes to hair products, so don’t lather it on like there’s no tomorrow!
7. Be aware of male pattern baldness

As you age, you become more susceptible to a condition known as male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). This is a genetic condition that causes your hair to thin out, usually around the temples and the crown. You may also notice a receding hairline. Male pattern baldness can affect people of all ages, but it’s most common in guys in their forties and fifties onwards.
Being aware of male pattern baldness is important because there are a few treatment options. For instance, you can take Minoxidil, which stimulates the flow of blood to each area of your scalp, helping hair follicles to thrive.
You may also ask for a Finasteride prescription. Finasteride blocks the growth hormone DHT, which is thought to be responsible for hair loss in men. If you’re interested in either medication, please speak to a medical professional before starting.
8. Protect your hair from the elements
When you go on your summer vacation to the beach, take a hat with you. It seems like such a simple thing to say, but wearing a hat throughout the hot summer months is an easy way to protect your hair from the sun’s harmful UV rays. A 2008 study showed that UV rays can damage hair and lead to discoloration.
While you don’t need to wear your hat every time you step out of the house, taking one on vacation with you makes sense. You can also wear a hat or cover your hair with a scarf or bandana if you regularly work outside in the sun.
When choosing a hat, select one that’s relatively loose-fitting to allow your hair to breathe. If you wear a tight hat for long periods of the day, it can cause your hair to sweat and may even cause a small amount of damage to your follicles.
9. Choose complementary hairstyles
Last but certainly not least, think carefully about suitable hairstyles for your hair type. You can use our chart at the start of this article as your guide, before researching appropriate styles for each hair type.
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You will find Instagram and TikTok are brilliant sources of inspiration for all men’s hairstyles, and you can use hashtags to refine your search. You can also keep up to date with the latest from our newsroom, as our writers are constantly adding hairstyle tips that you can use to influence your decision.
As you can see, the above hair care tips for men are easy for anyone to implement. You don’t need to spend lots of money on magic haircare products or treatments, and you don’t need to change your day-to-day routine radically to see results.
You can benefit from each of the tips introduced above simply by making small, simple changes to your daily hair care routine. To get started, take stock of the haircare products you currently use and get into the habit of checking the labels. If you can ditch the chemical-based products for healthy, natural-based ingredients, your hair will thank you!